Additional levy on smartphones?
Additional levy on smartphones?

For years, there's a levy on blank CDs and DVDs. Now it's possible that the charges are going to be soon extended to different kinds of media, including smartphones. The hardware industry protested vigorously against the proposed measures.

A levy on blank CDs and DVDs, there were a long time, but Thuiskopie Foundation, which manages the fund's therefor, to an extension. The funds so retrieve the Thuiskopie are then distributed to authors and copyright holders. The speed for the discs, however, frozen since 2007, when it appeared that the foundation over 50 million in money that had not been paid to artists. Because the income from slices begins to say no more rapidly, but, should the funds be extended to different media. There are the manufacturers of alternative data carriers, like MP3 players, hard drives and smart phones, very much against. They notice the personal copying levy been a big joke and need a realistic remuneration for the artists and not a large cumbersome organization where a lot of money to the rake.

 Extending the levy to smartphones
 Various sources are the plans of the Foundation Thuiskopie leaked. It shows that the foundation of the damage piracy per year at 60 million treasure. That allows the funds to bring the Thuiskopie that the levy is extended to a number of media, including smartphones. Interest, founded by manufacturers, understandably want to avoid this charge. The levy would be more expensive smartphones for consumers and an additional administrative burden for retailers. Next Tuesday, all users together around the table. We will keep you informed.